Saturday, November 5, 2011

I love being married to a nurse

My husband is the one who most of the time takes care of our little one. He is the one who feed him, change his dirty diaper, play with him, entertain him, change his clothes, give him a bath and put him to sleep. So basically, he is not just our son's daddy, but also a "part time mommy".

It is hard for me to take care of our toddler for now because I am pregnant. I can not chase our son whenever he wants to play. I can not give him a bath because my belly is so big that it is hard for me to bend over and reach him from the tub. I can not hug him and hold him that long because of my big belly and I can not stress myself in taking care of him because stress is not good for a pregnant woman.

My husband does not only take care of our son, he also takes care of me. When I feel sick or I am not doing good, he is there to be my personal nurse and I am happy that nurse is his profession because he knows what to do whenever one of us is sick or not feeling good. So, as a thank you gift for my loving and caring hubby-nurse, I bought him some nursing pins. The first pin says "Nurses Care" and the second pin is a red heart pin. He is such a good nurse and I am blessed to have him as my hubby.

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