Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Seeing Santa for the First Time

Thanks for the post from Barney Crosby

When I had the twins in March I didn't think about Christmas or the eventful proceedings that would go with it. So, when it was discussed to take the children to the mall to have their picture taken with the jolly old elf, it took quite a bit to get going. We decided it was best to take them while my husband was at work and the delightful afternoon turned gray when it started to rain and then to snow. That didn't dampen the twins spirits at all. While they were cozy in their car seats I took the time to lock the door, but not before I set ourADT HOME SECURITY . That is something I never forget to do.

It's so amazing to me that nine month old children get that excited. I will absolutely be taking them again next year. Snow or rain isn't going to stop me from seeing the looks in their eyes when he asks them what they want for Christmas and calls them each by name. When we got the pictures back we put them on our Christmas cards to send to everyone in the family and all of our friends. I was all in all a great day.

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